Contact Boothbay Harbor Oceanside Resort
Boothbay Harbor Oceanside Resort Address:
35 Atlantic Avenue
Boothbay Harbor, ME, 04538
United States
Reservations & Inquiries: 207-633-4455
Email: reservations@boothbayharboroceansideresort.com
Getting Here:
Follow Interstate 95 to the Maine Turnpike; proceed north to Exit 52 (Old Exit 9), to Interstate 295 North to Brunswick, Maine. At Brunswick take Exit 28 (formerly Exit 22) to Route 1, continuing north through the towns of Brunswick, Bath, and Wiscasset.
Approximately one mile past Wiscasset take a right onto Route 27 south. Stay on Route 27 south approximately 11 miles to a traffic light: go straight through the light and up a hill. At the top of the hill bear right at the time and temperature sign. Take your next left onto Union Street and follow this through a blinker and around the head of the harbor at which point Union Street becomes Atlantic Avenue. The Boothbay Harbor Oceanside Resort’s marquee should be visible on the right.