Beaches Near Boothbay Harbor Resort

No Stay is Complete Without a Visit to a Maine Beach or Park

A visit to a Maine Beach or State Park is the perfect way to fulfill the central mission of a Maine vacation: serious relaxation. Guests of Boothbay Harbor Oceanside Resort have many opportunities, thanks to the state’s 228 miles of coastline (3,478-miles if you count the craggy tidal shoreline). Maine is home to the most popular beaches on the East Coast, and summer is prime time to surf, sun, and picnic while being lulled by the gently rolling tide.  

There are many beaches and State Parks within driving distance of the Resort, and Midcoast Maine is home to the best in the region. A favorite destination for its dynamic shoreline and fascinating historical fort, Popham Beach is just an hour from Boothbay Harbor. Many discover the appeal of the wide sand beaches of nearby Reid State Park, known for its piping plovers, sand dunes, and shorebirds.

Below are some our guests’ favorite places to visit during their Maine vacation.

Popham Beach State Park:

“On the horizon are Morse Mountain and Morse Hill, now part of the Bates-Morse Mountain Conservation Area, another popular place for hiking and beach bathing. Walking in the opposite direction takes you to Hunnewell Beach past several campgrounds, seasonal cottages and year-round residences. The beach gradually wraps around a small peninsula where the Kennebec River meets the ocean. Out in the ocean you’ll see the lonely Pond Island light station warning mariners of the Pond Island Shoals. Farther out in the ocean is Seguin Light House.”